About Me

Babbis Intently Staring

 Hi, my name is Babbis!

(That’s pronounced “Bab-iss” by the way. Don’t forget that, human!)


I am a four year old long-haired calico cat who lives in Minnesota. I’m an Instagram  star at @LoveBabbis. I also have a Facebook page. Visit them daily for pictures!

My ascent from a lowly house cat to consummate social media phenomenon has been a path fraught with obstacles. (Never mind that the “obstacles” have mostly involved not getting fed fast enough or missing my full 18 hours of beauty sleep a day.) Disregard that stuff, though. You obviously want to know more about me. That’s why you came here, right? Let’s start at the beginning, then.

The story of my adoption is as follows:

My humom met me at the local humane society the day before Thanksgiving in 2012. I had been born eight weeks prior on September 25th. My humom was not a cat person and would have never thought of having one until she went through a traumatic experience that changed her life. One day she came across a five week old stray kitten and attempted to nurture it. In just five short but precious days, that little fur baby transformed Mammis into a new person. Unfortunately the kitten, named Pumpkin, had to cross the rainbow bridge. Around four weeks later, I entered the picture and decided to adopt my humom. My original name was Ophelia. My “legal” name is Pumpkin Pie (don’t tell anyone). The name Babbis came later and is a long story.

Back to the subject at hand. My journey through life with the humans wasn’t always easy. I had a URI and ear mites when I came home. I had to take medications for those. It was also discovered a month later that I had ringworm. That was a whole different story. It required a long course of treatment. I was eventually able to shake it. Mammis learned later that I have an allergic condition that causes eosinophilic granulomas on my neck. This is probably what caused me to itch and get ringworm in the first place. Luckily she feeds me food now that helps make sure I don’t have an allergic reaction! I can only eat certain proteins and have limited ingredient/grain free treats. I’m raw fed.

Some tidbits about me:

My favorite activities are eating, sleeping, using Mammis as a trampoline at 3 AM, going outside for walks, snuggling with Daddis, and of course meowdeling for Instagram and Facebook.

My least favorite activities are car rides, being brushed, having my nails clipped, and getting my food late.

When I grow up, I want to be the Queen of Babbisland.

My favorite color is the color of the blood of my enemies (see I’m sweet and sassy with a dash of murderous intent).

My enemies are flies, spiders, birds, rabbits, and squirrels.

Ever since I was a baby kitten, I had a companion named Mick. He was a giant plecostemus fish. I guess in a way he was MY pet. He was entertaining to watch. The humans called him Babbis TV. Unfortunately he had to cross the Rainbow Bridge in September 2017 after living with Mammis for almost 20 years.

My biggest secret is that I get really annoyed when my humom is always shoving a camera in my face (whether it be a cell phone, her real camera, or her Surface Pro). But I deal with it because I like the attention on Instagram!


In the end, my mom and dad (AKA Mammis and Daddis) love me with all of their hearts. Even when I am naughty!


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