I Remember That Day

Tiny Baby Babbis Kitten

A Curious Visitor Turned Family Member

I was in a loud place. There were many people walking back and forth. I heard dogs barking and cats meowing. The little box I was in was so cold and hard. There were bars in front of my face, blocking me from getting away. I was in pain because I had just had surgery and my ears hurt from an infection. My nose and eyes were running because I had a cold. I don’t like remembering this part.

I was so scared.

But then there were these two beings who were different than the others. I was the last cat they looked at. I saw them take one after another into a room to play. But eventually they saw me. I was off in the corner, in my cold, sterile cage. The female human peered in and smiled. She made a comment about how she had almost missed me there. She mentioned having seen me on the website and that I was cute. But then she added that I wasn’t what she had thought she was looking for. My little heart fell.

You were wrong.

The female asked if she could play with me. I was taken out of my little cold metal box and put into a small room where the humans stared at me and I stared back. I furtively cowered in the corner, barely containing my frenetic kitten energy. I was so small and they were so big. But they were sitting on the floor with me, so they weren’t as scary. They talked to me and watched me. It seemed like they were waiting for something. I got more brave as time went on. I got closer. They took out a wand toy and I instinctively did a butt wiggle while targeting my sights on it. I pounced on it, drawing ever closer to those humans.

Love at first sight.

The female commented that I was so cute. She said that my butt wiggle was so precious. As we sat there, she recounted how many times she had been to different shelters in the past month and how many cats she had met. None of them clicked with her. She commented that she could see me coming home with her. The longer I spent with her, the more natural it seemed. I came over and scratched on her tennis shoes with my tiny claws. When she tried to touch me, I’d duck away. But at the end of an hour, I was comfortable. I felt like I was home, yet not home.

No more thinking!

It seemed like the female was deeply concerned and hesitant about bringing me home. I could tell she wanted to, but she was afraid. She was just as frightened of bringing me home as I was frightened at the prospect of staying at that place. That noisy, cold, sterile, sad place. She talked to the male human and bemoaned the decision. At one point, she said, “I wish I could bring her home.” The question that changed all of our lives was a retort from the male. He asked, “Why can’t you?”

Reservations required.

I had made it clear that my intention was to adopt those humans. Eventually they realized it and relented. Since it was only about half an hour before the shelter was closing for the day, no more adoptions were being processed. It was also the day before Thanksgiving. It seemed I would not be going anywhere. The humans had to place a hold on me and paid a fee. I so much wanted to leave that place but they locked me back up in that cage. I had only a small crocheted pink and yellow potholder-sized blanket as a bed. The sadness was palpable.

They didn’t forget me!

Two days later, on Black Friday, the humans appeared again. I heard the female say something about having just gotten off work. They came to get me as soon as possible. This was not soon enough, let me tell you. Before I knew it, someone had scooped me up and put me into a cardboard carrier. The employee quipped that it was my “Cardboard Cadillac.” It was a small cardboard rectangle with a handle on the top. There were also holes in the side at even intervals to give me a way to breathe. When the humans were asked what my name was going to be, the female thought for a moment. She then announced “Pumpkin Pie.” The people there made a name tag made just for me. A short while later, they had taken me outside. I heard some doors shut. Apparently I was in something I’d soon learn was called a car.

Sugar Ray Babbis

On the way home, I was in the cardboard box on the male human’s lap. I started furiously punching my little paws through the holes in the side of the box. I wanted to get out! This was somehow even worse than the cage I had just left! The male human kept laughing. The female was driving so she didn’t get to see my antics but kept hearing the sounds of my paws quickly passing through the holes over and over. I was determined to get out of there.

Home sweet home.

It didn’t last long, though. After a short car ride, we were finally home. I instinctually knew that I belonged in that house. Once I got out of that cardboard box, I went about exploring post haste. I ventured all over the bedroom that they put me in. The female laid in an inflatable bed on the floor and just watched me. I was skittish and did not want to get too close to her, though. I was always running around and hiding. However, that night, she was eating Thanksgiving leftovers. I became curious and quietly snuck over to sit in front of her and give her “the eyes.” The turkey she had smelled so good. It ended up being my first meal at home. I think that might have been the best meal I’ve ever had since.

That night, I wasn’t just nourished with food but also with love.

I’d have to say that I’ve come a long way from being left with my siblings in a box on the shelter’s steps. What do you think?


  1. Lesley Quiroga says:

    What a Beautiful Story Babbis, and Love how you went over every detail of your experience. I’m so glad your meowmy looked on that last cage to find you. We Love you very very Much! Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with all of us

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